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Shopping for Free?
Virtual Mall is the creation of programmer Pat Gustin, who launched the free mobile game just nine months ago. To date, more than 300 thousand people have downloaded the application, of which roughly 60 percent are active at any given time. Such numbers are very appealing for companies who advertise through mobile applications.
"The idea of the game is simple," says Gustin. "People rent spaces in a virtual shopping mall and select products to sell from a catalog we provide." -[1]-. He explained that if the virtual vendors are able to manage their stores correctly, they make a profit in virtual money. -[2]-.
The game offers a level of detail and customization that is appreciated by users. It has even proven to be popular among women, a difficult target to reach in the world of mobile gaming. -[3]-.
Gustin says he is also working on another game called Virtual Farm, to which he will apply the same concepts but in an agricultural setting. -[4]-. He hopes to launch the game by early next year.
Those interested in learning more about Virtual Mall are encouraged to download the application for free. For details about Gustin's other games, go to