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EZ-R-Printing Services:
Get exactly what you want!
If your small business requires pamphlets, flyers, business cards, catalogs, or any other type of promotional material, you can produce precisely what you need with EZ-R-Printing Services! Our easy-to-use design system allows you to select the fonts and graphics you like and position them on the page. You can even choose the type of paper to use.
-[1]-. Once you're completely satisfied with your document, select the number of prints you'd like and submit payment by credit card, direct transfer from your financial institution, or the Paybuddy online transaction service. -[2]-. Fill out a shipping form, and your items will be delivered anywhere in the US within five business days. Shipping and handling charges are included in the total cost, so there are no hidden fees.
-[3]-. For a one-time payment starting at as low as $180, one of our skilled professionals will create an attractive publication. They can work with you on any printed promotional material until you are satisfied!
In addition, for the month of May only, anyone placing an order of $75 or more will receive $25 worth of business cards for free. -[4]-.
Check out hundreds of sample publications on our site and take a tour of our design system to see how easy and affordable it is to use our services at