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Park Board Meeting
All local citizens! You are invited to the City Park Board open meeting!
Come along and find out what is happening in your local park. The City Park Board open meeting is schedule for Wednesday, October 12th at 8 p.m. in conference room B of the public library. Agenda items include the following: funding for new snow blowers, construction of a temporary outdoor ice rink for the winter, and next month's Winterfest Bonfire Ball to raise money for equipment for the children's playground.
Snow blowers will enable us to keep the park open all year round, even in the heaviest snow. With the park open all winter, we have decided to convert the central pond into an ice rink. Local business man Hans Brent has donated $10,000 towards the cost. Winterfest Bonfire Ball tickets will be on sale at the meeting. They always sell out fast, so coming to the meeting will increase your chances of getting a ticket.
It is not necessary to notify us of your attendance in advance. However, if you would like to speak at the meeting, or present a report on behalf of a local organization, please contact Glen Tuber at the city office, on 345-5467, extension 4, before October 5th. All speakers must be given authorization before the meeting, so it is essential that you do contact us in advance.
Every weekday, we receive dozens of phone calls from local citizens who want to know what is happening in the park. Don't be one of those people. Come along to the meeting and find out the truth for yourself.