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Ocean Charter
34 West 76 Street
West Pender, Vancouver, BC N8U 2E5
July 18, 2004
Mr. David Gilmour
716 Nashville Street
Cincinatti, Ohio 64474
Dear Mr. Gilmour,
I am writing to confirm your booking on our deluxe cruise from Vancouver BC to Jeneau, Alaska, Departing May 7, 2005. As you would have seen when selecting this package, your meals and entertainment are all included, and of course you and your wife will be staying in one of our deluxe cabins.
Our onboard entertainment includes "Vaudeville Follies", a stage show in the tradition of this great comedy style. There will also be a live band in our dancing hall, two bars, a cinema and of course shuffleboard that can be played on the deck. Most spectacular of all are the whales, icebergs and gorgeous coastline you will see as we make our way north to Alaska!
We know you will have a great time with us on this cruise.
If you have any questions of any kind, please contact me by email at judyblume@oceancharter. net, or by phone at 1-800-453-7564 extension 213.
Judy Blume, Director
Ocean Charter